Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No Baby Yet

You guys really are the best! I thought I'd give a quick update to say - NOTHING new! :( I walked around the mall for an hour today which totally knocked me out. I was so hot and tired! I'm not having too bad of contractions since my doctor said I could go back on my cramping medicine. Apparently, my brand of contractions are more like cramps (though VERY painful) and not the type that will get me much closer to having a baby. So, I'm hurting less but feeling overall very yucky today. Headache, nausea, overall crabby mood. But, as we were headed to the hospital around 12:30 am Tuesday morning, I told my husband that I'd be a "monkey's butt" if I did not have a baby within hours. I know, kinda crude but that's what you get when you're feeling like this. So, I am officially OUT of the guessing game. I have no clue when this here baby boy is coming. I know that I'm not even late but with all this contracting and pain, I feel like I'm 42 weeks!


Susie PSU said...

Gosh, I was just checking in to see the baby's stats! LOL
Hang in there. No one has ever been pregnant for too long! I know it sucks, and you are now called a "monkey's butt" (that cracks me UP), but he WILL come out. One day. eventually?
OK, prayers for a baby coming out sooner rather than later, and for it to be quick, easy, and painless. Sound good?

Wendy said...

You keep hanging in there. It will happen. I am sure it is hard being this pregnant. It is thie first time you have been this far along, so you probably are feeling like it should happen NOW!! Just kick those feet up, take your medecine, and 'lax. We are all thinking and praying for the best for you, and know it will happen soon. I am anxiously checking in all the time though!! Keep us updated! Hugs!

Shana-Lynn said...

Denise, I am so sorry you are not feeling so good and this heat doesn't help. I hope things progress for you fast. "Monkey Butt", now that is a great one! LOL

Jennifer said...

Glad to see you are hanging in there, I was hoping for a new baby post (as I am sure are anxious to give us). I will be hoping that baby comes REAL soon!!!!

erin said...

As someone who HAS been 42 weeks, I can certainly feel your pain. Hang in there girlie. We're all rooting for you and baby boy!

Shana-Lynn said...

Denise, I am going to add you to my blog roll if you don't mind. HOpe you don't!!

Denise Travis said...

oh no! I feel so badly for you! please, please, let us know if there is anything we can do! kim and i are keeping each other posted on your progress. we are all praying! and praying! and praying!!

Janice said...

Maybe today, the day (wed, aug 16th)? I am so excited! Sorry you're not feeling well, though. There are days when I feel like a monkey's butt and I am not even pregnant. Hang in there, Denise, your baby will be out of the oven in no time!

The Browns said...

Oh, you are in my prayers!! Good luck and I hope he introduces himself to you soon!!

Nancy said...

What did the one wall say to the other wall? You're too young to smoke! HAHAHA

I'm telling you, he'll be here on 8/20 at 6:32am - never doubt my sources.

Aunt Lorri

Lisa said...

That last few weeks is rough. My water broke on my due date! You are just going to have a nice healthy and maybe big baby boy! Good luck!!

Shanna said...

You poor thing, are you still hanging in there? Have you been mall walking any more?

Just thinking of you!!
