Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday News

Today was Aunt Deees' birthday and we decided to get a little dressed up for the occasion. Ours was a quiet weekend filled with a good share of runny nose wiping and naps. I am hopeful for a much healthier week!

Here are my precious sons in their matching outfits.


MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

It isn't possible to get any cuter! Thank you for bringing those babies over to my house, I was needing a fix sooooo bad! We didn't even mind the poopy pants!


Aunt Deeeees

Denise Travis said...

SO SCRUMPTIOUS!!! I can't wait to spend some time with these handsome boys!!! Katie has a new dress just for the occasion!

Shana-Lynn said...

How incredibly adorable those boys look!

The Browns said...

SOOOOOO flippin' cute!

Book Worm said...

Momma! You all look fabulous! What a handsome (and gorgeous) famlily!