Monday, July 2, 2007

8 Random Facts... I was tagged!

Thanks to my gal, Wendy, for the tag. Here goes...
Here are the rules:- I have to post these rules before I give you the facts. Each participant posts eight random facts about themselves. Tagees should write a blogpost of eight random facts about themselves. At the end of the post, eight more bloggers are tagged. Go to their blog, leave a comment telling them they're tagged (cut and run - I stole this line from Wendy).

1. I am a big sports fan. My husband and I share a love of Florida State football, Houston Astros baseball and Houston Texans football. When we lived in Houston, we had season tickets to the Texans (we still have them but sell the tickets) and we still have season tickets to FSU football games that we sell. One day, we'll actually go to an FSU game together.

2. I can't parallel park and am scared to drive big SUVs. I think that is because I believe myself to be spatially challenged.

3. I got stuck in my car during a bad flood in Houston which freaked me out. The water was up past my tires, about 18 inches high (I'm guessing). It was very scary! While never a fan of driving in inclement weather, this pretty much sealed the deal for me and I really try hard not to be out driving in bad weather.

4. I feel soooo good when my house is clean, my fridge is full and there is the smell of a home-cooked meal or dessert in the house.

5. I find my husband irresistible when he wears this certain flannel shirt. Who knew I had a thing for lumber jacks??? Also, I'm quite fond of him wearing corduroy pants in the fall/winter.

6. If I had the talent and creativity, I'd like to write children's books. I studied Elementary Ed in my mid-20s when I went back to school for a second degree and Children's Literature was my all-time favorite class.

7. I've gotten better but I tend to be a class half-empty person and my husband sometimes calls me "Chicken Little." God blessed me with a husband who helps me with perspective when I lack it.

8. Random favs: Bible teacher - Beth Moore, Christian song - "Held" by Natalie Grant, book in the Bible - Ephesians, Hymn - "It is Well with My Soul".
My list of taggees:
1. Jenny.
2. Cindy - when you get back from your missions trip to Peru.
3. Anna.
4. Andrea.
5. Jamie.
7. Susie.
8. Hollie.


Nancy said...

I love "It is well with my soul"
Jars of Clay do a great version

Wendy said...

I can't remember if I commented on this and it just didn't post?? I am losing it. Loved reading these. The lumberjack thing cracks me up!! :)