Monday, July 9, 2007

Lessons Being Learned

Isn't it funny how we learn the most when we are in positions in which we are clearly NOT in control? God, I believe, uses these times. He brings us to our needs to get us to our knees so that we stop thinking we're so smart and not in need of Him. Clearly I am registered for this class and learning a lot!

We are truly humbled by the sacrifices and service from friends and family. I'm learning that it's okay to ask for help even when it's silly things like putting away Jon David's toys or running an errand. We've been well fed and have a nicely mowed lawn all due to the kindness of others. We are learning a lot about service to others and intend to remember these things when there are people who need us. I thought we did an okay job at this but we are truly humbled by the love we are receiving.

What's a pregnancy without a little drama? I started to feel agitated and slightly crampy on Friday night but blew it off since it was not especially painful (though my mood was probably to my husband and my sister-in-law). :) They still love me. :) Same thing happened Saturday night and I decided to talk about it with JD. He wanted me to call the doctor even though it was 11 pm. Being a good wife, I called but thought it was a little silly and fully expected the doctor to tell me to chill out. Wrong. He advises me to head to the hospital. Good thing my mom was already staying the night. Off we went. After a little while of monitoring, the nurse informs me that my contractions were 2 minutes apart. Contractions??? You call this mild cramping contractions???

Fast forward a few hours, some tests and a shot of terbutaline to slow the contractions, we head home at 3 am. I started to feel the same way last night and the doctor gave me the option of taking terbutaline by pill and ordered me some. I was thankful to stay at home.

So, we head to the doctor today for more tests. We don't think that I was in labor (clearly) but too much of this funny business can cause me to go into early labor. I'm being a good patient, drinking my water and resting. I'll post more later with the 4-1-1.

Again, thanks for your comments and prayers!! We made our first real goal of 32 weeks!! Praise the Lord!

(Photos of Jon David and his best buddy, Tyler, on the 4th of July. Kim sweetly came by to play with my boy and keep me company.)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hey Denise,

I'm so glad you past the 32 week mark. What a relief! And even if your little guy comes at 34 weeks, seeing how awesome Jon David is doing, I'm sure, provides you with lots of encouragement that the new baby will be just fine! Thank God for NICU doctors who know just what to do for our sweet babies!

I'm praying for you!