Monday, July 30, 2007

A Taste of Freedom!

Another oldie but goodie - me FINALLY taking our boy home from the hospital!

What a difference it is for your doctor to tell you that your baby boy would have to spend maybe a day or two in the NICU compared to when you are told that he may not survive if born. Thank you, Lord!

My weekly appointment today went very well and I have been given a bit of freedom! Yahooooooo! I joked to JD that I was ready to hit the mall! Just kidding, sort of. I'll be good and will continue to take it easy but I will not be required to sit on my ever-growing hiney all day long! :)

Thanks for your prayers! Oh, and WHEN I do finally get ready to have this baby, my sister will update my blog. So, don't worry about missing any exciting news!


MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Ah yes, friends, I will have TOTAL POWER and DOMINATION over Denise's blog! I have already thought about all the embarassing stories I'll finally be able to tell thanks to this forum! In the event, however, that Denise wishes me to blog about our newest sugar boy, I will also joyfully oblige. Every time the phone rings, my heart jumps with anticipation!

Love to you and your big belly and hiney! HA!

Aunt Cindy

Shana-Lynn said...

Glad thing are still going well. Keep it up!!

When is Jon David going to be 2? My daughter was born in November '05 as well. Just curious.

A.K. said...

don't trick us like that- i signed onto your blog and thought it was your new baby- glad to see your still brewing baby number 2 in there!!! good luck!we're all thinking and praying for ya!

Denise said...

Shana-Lynn, Jon David's birthday is 11/4.

a.k., sorry to trick you!! :)

erin said...

I'm with A.K. - I totally thought that was baby boy #2!!!

Stacy said...

Glad you are doing good and you have some one to update us when you are in the hospital! It will not be long!!! Is JD really excited?

Denise said...

Is JD excited? In many ways, YES! In other ways, the man is pretty dang tired with trying to keep working his many hours and add the extra help to my mom who is in charge of Jon David. Plus, the "Honey Do" list is long with stuff for the baby and he's actually almost done (good thing!) with it all. So, my sweet hubby will probably let out a big sigh of relief when he meets his new son and then gear up for when the fun REALLY starts! :)

Janice said...

Denise, I thought you had Baby #2!!!!!! You had me going there for a second! Glad things are going well for you!!

Thanks for doing the tag, BTW!

Jennifer said...

Congrats on making it so far. I am so glad things are still going so well. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little one when he gets here.