Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm 33 Weeks Today!

I just have to praise God for His love and faithfulness! This is a post of thankfulness! The past 2 1/2 weeks have been challenging and I've not always kept perspective about what is happening and Who is really in charge. But, in my heart, I know that the Lord is indeed good and He is working all this to His good, for His glory! And, I just have to give a big pregnant woman praise!

I return to the doctor tomorrow morning. We're surrounded by family and friends literally showering us with love and support. Lessons in service to others - that's what we're studying.

A few pictures of the fun Jon David's been having...
Jon David and Mr. Chris (the "other" Denise's sweet husband) enjoying Denise's homemade blueberry cobbler. YUMMM!

Forgive the red-eye. More cobbler fun...


Susie PSU said...

Hooray for making it to 33 weeks!! Let's pray you make it another 4, huh?

Wendy said...

Yeah! You are getting there friend!! I LOOOOVE blueberry cobbler. mmmm... hot with some ice cream! YUMMMMY!

Shana-Lynn said...

Keep up the good work! Best of luck tomorrow.

Jennifer said...

Yay! I am so happy for you. Hang in there. You have been in my thoughts and prayers!