Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Blue Christmas

Oh the humanity! There is some serious drama in our house as of last night. In the past 24 hours, Jon David has decided to respond to some awful offense against his person by placing (not quite throwing) himself on the floor, burying his head in his hands and occasionally giving a whimper and saying, "sad..." He's done it probably 6 times so far.

What kinds of horrible things am I doing to him to provoke such a strong, emotional response? Well, one example: "No, Jon Jon, we don't throw our trains. If you throw another one, it will need to go in time out." Yep - that's it. That's the kind of mean, horrible mommy I am.

Other than a few drama fests, we are all well. Josiah is on day 6 of his first cold and I'm so ready to have 2 healthy children. He's such an amiable guy. He'll cough a bunch and then just give the absolute sweetest smile I have ever seen. We have him sleeping in the pack & play in our room so we can listen for him better in the night. (Please do not pay much attention to the messy floor in the background of the pictures. I am in SERIOUS need of some house cleaning!)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Elaina is on this exact same kick. "Mommy happy?" she says. Or Elaina mad, or Elaina sad. She goes on and on with these emotion words. I think it is rather sweet that she is tuning into these things. AND I can do nothing but laugh hwne she throws herself onto the floor crying Elaina sad!