Friday, December 28, 2007

Celebrate me home

My sister, Lorri, left cold and snowy Chicago to spend Christmas with our family. She is usually here every year for Christmas and a few other times if possible. She even met us in Hawaii last January to help with the whole babyGap thing and to give me and JD a night or two free to eat dinner, etc. without our super model. She's awesome.

Kids are usually really good judges of character and some people are just really good with kids. My sister is like that. Though Jon David only sees her a few times a year, he really takes to her and clearly enjoys her company.

Apparently he likes her so much that she has been bestowed a name that has never before been given by him - Diesel. Diesels are the super big trains in, you guessed it, Thomas the Tank Engine stories. So, for some reason, she was given a train name. Yes, he adds an additional syllable to her name so that it actually sounds like ovary. Add to that silliness that she is now also part diesel engine and you can see why we needed to capture this on tape. The video shows the two of them on the phone with my mom (Mimi).

So, we are sad that Lorri Diesel left and pray that she returns to us soon!


MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Ant Ovary Diesel rocks! We used to call her Aunt Lordy but I think all of us are switching to calling her Ant Ovary Diesel, it's just too perfect!

Shana-Lynn said...

That is just TOO FUNNY!! I can't stop laughing.