Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rockin' around the Christmas Tree

Okay, so the title has nothing to do with what I'm writing but I am due a break. It ain't easy coming up with a new title/Christmas carole every day! And, this happens to be one of my favorite secular Christmas songs and I especially like the Brenda Lee version. It's kicky.

Today is Baby Si's 4-month birthday and we celebrated by taking him for his check-up. His stats are just peachy. He weighs 15 lbs 1 oz (50%) and is 25 inches (55%). The doctor said he looked perfect, very alert and a happy baby. I remain his ever adoring mommy and think all that is true.


Kim said...

Love you little Chunkey Monkey!!!! You are soooo CUTE!!!

Andrea said...

Yay for good doctor's visits! Little Si is just the cutest, and I am glad he is healthy to boot!

Wendy said...

Way to go little Josiah! Keep on growing helathy and happy!!