I really wanted to focus on Jon during this big event - it was a totally new experience for him. So, I lined up a good friend to watch Josiah. At the last minute, I found out that her whole family (including the dog) had a stomach virus. So, baby brother would be joining us. This could be REALLY interesting!
Once we arrived, things looked somewhat promising. Jon David greeted his teacher and allowed her to put his orange jersey on him. So far, so good. He somewhat participated with the 30 minutes of practice. You know, 30 minutes is kind of a long time so I'm not surprised that he got bored. Yeah, two pictures capture this perfectly.
So, now it's time for the BIG game verses the pesky Goldfish. At this point, Jon lays on my lap (what's left of it) and announces, "I'm tired!" Oh boy - so this child may not actually play in the game today, I thought. But then, I reached into my mommy bag of tricks and pulled out "Bribery." Well, bribery might be a bit strong of a word - I provided a much needed incentive. I just sweetly whispered into his ear that there would be a big surprise if he actually played in a game. My goal was sometime within the 10 games of this season (2 a week), that at some point, he'd actually choose to participate. I had no idea what the surprise would be and quickly thought of something that would be a win/win for the whole family - dinner at Moe's followed by ice cream.
So, this was a HUGE success for my boy. Really, it was. He's not always excited about change and new experiences. He's often VERY fond of his own plans and not so much of any plans that are contrary to his. He's never shown a great interest in soccer and tends to prefer building elaborate train tracks. So, this was all new for him and he really did well. We go again Wednesday and take on the Clams!