Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our little lamb

I realize that I've not yet written of my sweet daughter, Rachel. It's because I honestly don't know how to put into words the joy that she is to our family. I could go on and on... and on and on about her. We're THAT crazy about her. Alas, I need to give her some love on this blog. Here goes...

Her name is Rachel Shiloh. Her name was decided upon 8 years ago while my husband was courting me. We both liked the name Rachel and he introduced me to Shiloh. Rachel means "little lamb" and Shiloh means "place of peace." Both are Old Testament names which goes along with our other children's names. I love that they can open God's word and find their names. That is cool to me.

So, I think she quite favors a Kewpie doll. She's got these huge blue eyes with eyelashes that perfectly curl. Am I the only one who sees this resemblance?

Oh - and here is a Kewpie doll from a few years ago..


MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

And her personality is just joy. I have never met a baby who is so easy going. I didn't even know that kind of baby could ever exist. Rachel is darling in every way. With her daddy, brothers and all her boy cousins doting on her, it will be a mighty man who comes a courting one fine day. We love Ray-Ray!

Holliday Family said...

she is precious, thanks for sharing!

Book Worm said...

Kewpie doll for sure. She's so lovely and I can't wait to meet her. Clay is pretty excited about her too and loves her love notes on FB.
Love those blue eyes!
XXXXAmy and Clay

Denise Travis said...

I TOTALLY see kewpie doll! She is the spitting image of your baby picture! Both of you are beautiful!

Holliday Family said...

She looks beautiful - gorgeous pic of the two of you!