Monday, March 19, 2007

A Daddy's Love

"There is something ultimate in a father's love, something to be believed in against the whole world." - Frederick W. Faber

I know this was the good Lord's doing but sometimes I get really proud of myself for picking out for my children the most wonderful daddy. While looking at my growing belly and thinking of life for "Cupcake," I was so excited for this new baby who will get to share with Jon David in the joy of having a daddy who shows unconditional love for his family. Of course, this kind of fatherly love is but a glimpse of the perfect love we have in our heavenly Father. Praise God for daddies!!
I found a great quote while scrapbooking this weekend and included it with a picture of Jon David when he was 8 months old. My two guys with the same name... I'm so blessed!


Janice said...

Aaaawww, how sweet! I love daddy and baby pictures!

Does Jon David get a lot of comments about his lashes in public? They're gorgeous!

Denise said...

As long as I remember to curl the lashes and add mascara, we get lots of comments! ;) Just teasing - yes, you can pretty much bank on someone commenting on his eyes and lashes. If we have a girl and she does not also get the long lashes, we may have trouble!

Wendy said...

Love the quote. Love the pics. Both equally beautiful! How blessed we are!!! Will you be finding out what the baby's sex is or are you keeping it a surprise?

Denise said...

Wendy, we should find out in the next few weeks! Can't wait!!