Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Jon David's Vocabulary

From what I read, parents need to count the number of words their children can say. It's good for milestone tracking. So, I've been keeping a running tally and here's what my little one is saying these days.

  1. "Ooooh Wow!" This is our family motto for 2007.

  2. "Ut oh" - he uses this when the phone rings, the oven timer goes off, a lovey jumps overboard out of his crib and any other time he is surprised. Terribly cute!

  3. "Da Da" - such a sweet sound the way he says it.

  4. "Ma ma" - sometimes he draws it out and sounds so sweet; other times, it's like he is saying "Mooooom!" the way I anticipate him using it when he's older.

  5. "Baaay bee" - used to describe anyone under the age of 10. He loves to see pictures of babies.

  6. "Bub bules" - we LOVE bubbles!!

  7. "Nigh Nigh" - yes, if you can believe it, Jon David will often ask to go to bed. Before you get all jealous, sometimes when in his crib, he changes his mind and no longer wants to go to sleep.

Also, I included in this post a photo of my other Valentine's Day present from my sweet husband. Jon David made the cover of my hometown paper (The Naperville Sun in Naperville, IL). The picture of him is HUGE. JD framed it for me and I just love it!


Susie PSU said...

What a great gift!

Megan said...

My favorite is "Oh, Wow!!" Too cute!

I was just wondering today- when will Jon be in the window of a Gap store near me?

Denise said...

There are two more Jon David sightings coming up - the first is Child magazine (April edition). I would expect that to be on the stands in a few weeks, before 4/1. Second, he should be in the stores late spring/early summer (May-ish). I'll be sure to let you know when I have specifics. :)

Susie PSU said...
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Janice said...

Denise, I wanted to tell you that I love Jon David's banner/newspaper photo!

Is Jon David feeling better? Cameron ended up getting spots all over his body and we found out he has Roseola (some kind of virus). Luckily he's not contagious anymore. I totally understand how you feel when your child gets sick.

Glsd you guys had a great time at the concert!!

Wendy said...

What a sweet little star you have. So fun. A great gift from the hubby! These will be some fun memories. I thin k he has a lrager vocab. than my two year old. Lol. Aren't kids absolutely amazing??

Denise said...

Janice, poor Cameron! Yes, Jon David is feeling almost 100%. I hope your little guy is as well! :)