Thursday, March 8, 2007

You've Got a Friend in Me

It's so neat to see aspects of Jon David's personality emerge. He's become rather affectionate and it melts my heart. He can't resist hugging me when I am on the floor playing with him and kind of slumped over. He even says, "Awwwwww." He'll pick up a favorite toy, or at least favorite for the moment, even if it's a toy car and put it up to his check and again say, "Awwwwww." He gets SO excited when Da Da comes home and asks for him all day long. How sweet is that?!

And, something else new is his friendship with Tyler. Most of the time, kids do parallel play and that's often how he interacts with everyone including Tyler. But, usually upon seeing his buddy, he just feels the need to go hug the big lug. I don't know if it's just that Tyler is terribly huggable with his Winnie the Pooh belly but, whatever the reason, Jon David loves his buddy. I even think Tyler enjoys the hug though he has a macho 16-month old stance while being embraced. But, something in Tyler's eyes tells me that he also likes Jon David's hugs. It's also neat because the people in the Bible for whom Jon David was named were Jonathan and David. Theirs was an amazing friendship.

Here are a few pictures of the guys hangin' out at the gym (aka "Little Gym"). I also included the words to a great song from Toy Story by Randy Newman. It kinda fits these little guys who were born about 48 hours apart. (EXTRA bonus - Tyler's mommy, Kim, is one of my favorite friends and I'm soooo thankful for her friendship!!).

You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

When the road looks rough ahead

And you're miles and miles

From your nice warm bed

You just remember what your old pal said

Boy, you've got a friend in me

If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too

There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you

We stick together and can see it through

Cause you've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me


Wendy said...

Denise- I love Jon Daivds smile in the first picture. It is just adorable. Can I too, link your blog on mine? I love that song by the way, but now it is stuck in my head!!

Janice said...

Denise, Jon David is such a sweetheart!!! I love the third and fourth one of course. Time flies so quickly I feel like I want to snuggle with my babies before they grow up.

Megan said...

So cute! Jon looks SO excited just to be with his friend. How precious is that?!

AnniePat said...

There are two of the cutest boys in the world!!