Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Son, the Vampire!

Lest there be any danger in me remaining poetic and philosophical about this blessing called motherhood, I was QUICKLY brought back to reality around 7:45 this morning. While playing with Jon David, I went to pick him up to put him in his high chair. He was giggling; all was well in our little world. Then, out of the blue, he clamps down on my collarbone and held on for dear life. I was so not expecting anything like this and it's sort of a miracle that I did not drop him out of shock not to mention pain. The little booger held on for a few seconds until I could get him situated to force him to move. When I, in my stern mommy voice, told him, "No, Sir! No bite! That hurts Mommy!", he did not seem to get it. I know this because he now has started to often give a raspberry sound when I scold him and proceeds to find a place to either bang his head or he'll fall on the floor. This time, he just sort of looked at me as if I were the one with the problem. Ugh! He has only done this a few times over the past few months but he has started to sometimes pinch me when I am changing his diaper (which is the topic for another blog). I use my mommy voice and move out of his range. Could this be the terrible 2s coming a wee bit early? He's such an over-achiever! Starting the terrible 2s early! ;) Any parenting advice is welcome.

Here is a picture of my injury taken almost 12 hours after the "incident." I will not be pressing charges because I love him and he's so cute...


Wendy said...

Well, he is cute, I will have to agree.... but the bite? Not so cute. I went through that too, and just continually did what you are doing. It eventually goes away. It is not fun in the process though. I wish I could give more advice, but it sounds like you are on the right track!!

Susie PSU said...

Owweee! I'd use my best "teacher/mommy" voice, just like you did, and continue to be firm. It's just a phase, so hang in there! You are a fantastic mommy, it's not a reflection on you, just the age. Great picture, by the way! You can always threaten him when he's grown that you will press charges. LOL