Friday, March 23, 2007

The World's Most Catchable Ball

Never buy an averageball again! Introducing the world's most catchable balls - a Gertie Ball!

While in a toy store, a fellow Mommy approached us as we were looking to buy Jon David a ball. She went on and on about the wonders of the Gertie ball. Though strange looking, how can you not listen to such high praise for such weird looking balls and from an unsolicited, reputable source. What makes them really neat is that you adjust the amount of air in the ball (because you inflate it yourself). Most regular balls are filled with so much air that little hands cannot get a good grasp on them, but not our Gertie.

We have one that is the Bumpie and is really strange looking as you can see. I should note that all their balls are not weird looking; some are even pretty. We just picked a weird one because we thought Jon would like the bumps. Our next purchase will probably be the Large Sports Bundle. Big surprise there!

Fellow Mommies - please post back and share your favorite toys! I'd especially like to hear of ones that may not be well known.


Wendy said...

I have one of these balls! Aren't they the greatest! I will have to look for my favorite toys, and I will get back with you on that one!! Hmmm..... thinking! Have fun Jon David!!

Janice said...

This looks like something Cameron would absolutely love. Do you know what stores carry these? As for my favorite toy, I would have to say the Battat Busy Zoo Activity center. You can get them at any Target store. The best part is, it really keeps them busy while I wash the dishes or do laundry!

Denise said...

Janice, I've only seen them at a "fancy" toy store but you can buy them online as well. I'm glad you like them. I'll have to check out the Battat toy next time we're at Target.

Andrea said...

OMG! My DS got one of these from his aunt for Christmas and he loves it! (I think it is because all the little bumps look like nipples, LOL!) I didn't know what it was called though, so I am glad you posted this info, so I can order more! :)