If you were in a 5-mile radius of our house yesterday and heard wailing and gnashing of teeth, it was just our boys getting haircuts on the back patio. For weeks, JD has wanted to give the boys a buzz cut - especially Josiah with all that thick hair. And Saturday was the day...
For you loyal readers, you may remember my attempt at playing hairdresser about a year and a half ago. I can't believe that all 3 of my fellas trusted me enough to give them hair cuts. Yeah, um - not so good. So, when my sweet husband offered to try, I was more than happy to hand over the clippers.
Bless their sweet hearts, they both really did want to like getting it done and I could see they were mentally gearing up for this. I think as Daddy's technique improves and he becomes much faster, it will go better. This picture of Jon David melts my heart because I know how hard he is trying to remain positive though not liking any of this. He's able to keep up this facade for about 3 minutes.
It took about 30 minutes and the added incentive (not really a bribe) of Goodberry's ice cream as a treat after dinner to pull this thing off. So, while Daddy is buzzing away, I could be seen with their hair flying all around me doing whatever I could to help the boys sit still so JD could finish. I remember reasoning with Jon, "You will have half of your hair cut and look really silly, Jon. Just be still and Daddy will be done in a minute." To keep them happy, I dug deep into my bag of tricks. For Josiah, he was happy with yet another rendition of "God is bigger than the boogie man" and Jon required the "twinkle twinkle" little ditty as well as a few songs from The Polar Express.
At the peak of agony, I regret to say that I was too busy consoling the boys to capture their angst. But here are a few shots before the wheels completely came off the bus.
When all was said and done, it was time for a quick wash down to get rid of the hair and lunch. They were tired and this was the best I could get for an after shot.
I give JD a lot of credit for pulling off this operation and for helping us be thrifty. He did a great job and it's harder than it looks to just shave off hair. This was definitely one of the times when Daddy is much better at something than Mommy. I was there with the assist and we got through it. We like the the way the boys look and they do too.