Monday, January 3, 2011

Josiah starts with an S

Sweet Siah goes to preschool! He woke up very excited and ready to go. I overheard Jon and Si on the monitor. When Si told Jon all the toys he wanted to bring to school today, in Jon's best big brotherly voice informed his little brother, "Siah, you cannot bring toys to preschool. It is against the law."

So, off we went and took lots of pictures. Here are a few of my favorites.

Sister wants in on the action too. "Hey, look at me too!"

My favorite memory of the day is when Josiah's teacher asked him to find his name and put away his backpack. He promptly walked over to one of the kid's names that starts with an S. His new teacher sweetly told him that his name starts with a J. When Josiah firmly insisted that it started with an S, I knew that I needed to explain.

Having two boys with J names and many identical toys, we have to label things. So, we put a J on Jon's stuff and an S on Si's. So, poor guy, his first somewhat formal educational experience starts with a slight stumble all because of his parents! I tease - he did great, he had fun and told me that G sounds like "juh." Atta boy, Siah!


Book Worm said...

Super! With an S. I love the pic with Ray in it. Congrats on big boy school AND the shark backpack. (and having girl time!) He's so big!

Desperate Housemommy said...

Hooray for Siah With an S! Your little ones will SO love looking back on this one day. :)

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Adorable! They all look so cute and proud of themselves!