Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Though it's only been 2 years since Jon David was an infant, it's interesting how I am doing things differently. Yes, I know that they are very different babies but I find that I'm also different this time around. One thing that I'm doing this time is babywearing and I LOVE IT!

I knew that I'd need some sort of carrier for Josiah. There is just no way that I can keep up with Jon David and hold Josiah. So, I read on another blog about Ergo baby carriers. I used a Baby Bjorn a few times with Jon David but found it really tricky to assemble. Seriously, I failed that intelligence test.

I knew that I'd like having my baby close to me but I did not realize how much I would love it. It's very convenient, super easy to get on and almost fool-proof for calming my boy. He almost always sleeps very well when I have him "on" and it's just so sweet. I find that I wear him at least a few times a day and especially when I'm at church or MOPS. For the few nights when he has been really hard to settle, I just put him in the carrier and it's like magic.

So, here is my strong recommendation for babywearing and a big plug for Ergo baby carriers! Thanks, Mom, for buying it for me!

Look how sweet and comfy he looks!


MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

I love that last picture. It shows the strong bond between mother and son. It will be so wonderful to see how you and your boys maintain that relationship through the years! You are a really great mom, I admire you!

Kim said...

GIRLIE YOU LOOK GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the hair!!!!


Shanna said...

Your hair looks awesome!!! :)
...oh, and Josiah is really cute too. :)

erin said...

Glad that's working for you! I have an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder and LOVE IT. And I second the comment that you look GREAT!

Denise Travis said...

Okay...baby boy looks adorable, but Mommy really looks FABULOUS!!

We have trouble with the baby bjorn too...Katie likes it better on Chris. She goes right to sleep. On me...she thinks it's time to eat!

Hope we see you SOON!

the other denise

Shana-Lynn said...

He looks so comfy in that last picture and you look great Denise. I used to use the Over the Shoulder Baby Holder too with Aubree and it was such a lifesaver for me. Glad you found something equally helpful and comfortable.

Wendy said...

You are just gorgeous. Your whole family is. Looks like you are doing well. Hope all those sick bugs are staying away. Thinking of you often!! Enjoy the fall before the cold comes. We have allready had one good snow...enough to go sledding!!

Andrea said...

I am so glad you are loving the ergo! I wore Evan a lot and it was great for both of us! Josiah and you look great!

Susie PSU said...

I like the last picture, too. What a tender moment.