Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mama, these are for you!

My sweet son has started to bring me presents from our backyard. Usually, it's a brown leaf. The look of love and pride he shows as he offers them to me absolutely melts my mommy-heart. Sometimes, he finds such treasures way in the back of the yard. Ours is a big and very deep yard so it's no small trek for his little legs to make. Still, he has a very determined look in his eye when he finds a leaf for his mommy and he will not be deterred. In fact, we had friends over who were trying to get him to stay outside and not keep going back into the house where I was hanging out on the couch. They suggested he give the leaf to DaDa. He cut them a look and said, "Mama!" Yes, my boy is so sweet!

Update: good appointment yesterday, minimal change in cervical length though I had cramps (contractions?) all day which were at times smarting pretty good. Now that I'm past 32 weeks (33.2 to be precise), they won't do much more for me. I'm already on meds and bed rest so they don't really need to see me other than my weekly appointments unless, of course, baby boy is determined to come early. Our new goal is for this Sunday - 34 weeks.

Thanks for all prayers! They are working!


Jennifer said...

How sweet that little boy of yours is! Devin does the same thing and brings me all kinds of stuff from the yard! It is so cute!

Good news on your appointment!!

Susie PSU said...

You're getting there! I know it stinks, but today, just for a day, I'd LOVE to be on bedrest!! ;-)

Wendy said...

I love that!! What a sweet sweet boy you have. Glad little guy is still baking, and that you are taking it easy. I am still praying for you!! You are like the little train that could!! :) Keep chuggin'