Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Who Knew?? I'm Rockin'!!

My most awesome, super cool friend, Wendy, presented me with a special award. I could not believe it. Me - a rockin' girl?? Other than the gymnastics going on in my belly, there ain't too much rockin' for me right now. Let's just say that I ain't got it going on right now. I vow to get whatever "groove" I had back in due time after my new son arrives. Until then, I am just a very large pregnant woman! Sorry, no pictures. You'll have to take my word on this!

But, Wendy, now SHE is rockin' and if she says that I'm rockin', well - then, I happily accept the award. This made me try to recall other awards I received. Yes, in college, I received a few academic awards like honor society stuff. But, there is an award (or awards) that I received in 6th grade that I do cherish. I was named by our 6th grade teachers the Miss Valley Girl/Miss Congeniality Award. Don't be a hater. I earned those awards, okay??? ;)

Per Wendy and the rules of blogland, I must now pass along this highly esteemed award to 5 others who rock. The nominees are...

1) The "other" Denise. Where to start. Denise and I were buddies in our church's singles group in the 90s. It's an absolute joy to be reunited with her and going through the crazy ride of pregnancy alongside her. She is due 3 days after me and we hope to be in the hospital at the same time. That seems like one lofty goal at this point!

2) Anna. We go to church together and she's Tyler's aunt. Tyler is Jon David's best bud and he's featured in many posts. She's just cool. Her diaper bag for her daughter Rachel is pink camouflage. Does it get any cooler than that??

3) Cindy. My sister. She indeed rocks. She just returned from her first mission trip and has much to tell about it. Do check out her blog. This woman loves Jesus.

4) Jamie. We're in the "Moms of Preemie Boys" club. We actually lived in the same place at one time. I wish that I knew her then. She has access to much better food living where she is but I won't begrudge her that. She's a fantastic momma.

5) Andrea. This friend needs to write a book. She also has such a boy of a boy. He's rugged and very handsome. I really wish we could hang out together.

There are many more bloggin' moms but like Wendy said, we can only name 5. Keep rockin' you bloggin' mamas!


Wendy said...

YOu really do rock my firned, and you deserve this for sure!! Fun to see your picks!! YEah for you!! And congrats to the five you picked. You all rock too!!

Nancy said...

I once won "Most Likely To Dance On Tables At Parties" award.

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

I'm working on my acceptance speech as I type! What do I say? Whom do I thank? What's my time limit!? Thanks for letting me kidnap the Family Baby yesterday, I needed that fella!

Jamie said...

Yay for the "Moms of Preemie Boys" club! Thanks for the award...I'm honored :)