Monday, July 9, 2007

Very Good Test Results

Jon David and his Aunt Ra Ra (Robin). She came to take care of him last week for a few days and they had FUN! Lots of singing and being super silly. It's so sweet to hear him call for her, "Raaaaaaa Raaaaaaa."

Quick update: today's fetal fibronectin test was negative! This means either the last test was a false positive or that the protein is gone. Either way - good riddens! Also, I had a quick ultrasound today and my cervix remains closed and has not shortened at all since the ultrasound two weeks ago. Those two pieces of news are answers to prayer! No, my activity level is not allowed to change because of this but it's still really, really good news! And, I'm now taking the terbutaline around the clock to keep cramping and contractions at bay. The doctor said it's just safer to do this. Bummer though - it gives me one heck of a headache and can cause my heart rate to race. These are normal side effects but not especially fun. Oh well, it's not too bad.

Aunt Ra Ra's baby girl, Ella Kate, also came for the visit. She is the cutest baby and so sweet natured and an amazing sleeper!! I didn't know they made babies like this!! She's just so sweet. Look at those sweet baby arms and that baby smile.


Andrea said...

Oh, Denise! I am so happy to come back and read that you got good results. That is wonderful news. I will keep praying that this bun stays in the oven as long as possible.

Janice said...

Denise, I'm glad everything is going well! Keep yourself well rested and take advantage of all the help - aren't family and friends just the best? Anyway, I'm sending prayers your way for a full term baby!

Jennifer said...

Great news on your test results, I was very happy to read that today! Hang in there and keep resting!

Susie PSU said...

What love you are being shown, both from your friends/neighbors and the Lord. Praise for both of them!!
Take are of yourself, and that baby. Everything else will fall into place!

Stacy said...

Such good news! I am so happy for you! Enjoy taking it easy- it will not last long!