Thursday, August 2, 2007

Guess My Delivery Date, Baby's Weight, Etc.

Jon at 8 months!

Let's have a little fun with this. Since I'm not feeling so hot the past few days with lots of "unorganized contractions" that feel like bad cramps, I figure I might seek some help from my blogging friends and family. I've toyed with the idea of a prize for whoever gets the closest but we'll just have to see about that. One possible prize is the naming rights for our child since my husband and I are super lame and cannot commit to a name for this boy! I am due 9/2 and am 35 1/2 weeks pregnant.

So, here are the categories for your guesses. I will tally them in a few days and post for record keeping purposes. I may enlist the help of PricewaterhouseCoopers to validate the results in case things get heated and ugly here. ;)

Deliver Date and Time:



Thanks for playing!


Wendy said...

I will think on this tonight... and try to post tomorrow... I have to come up with something good! :) You have to remind us my friend how many weeks and days you are though!

Susie PSU said...

I say...

August 6

6 lb, 4 oz

20.5 inches long

And I know what you mean about taking babies home - Mikey spent a week in the NICU, and it was F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Name: Eugene or Josiah (U-Jean, after Mom who has been there helping out...Josiah because he was a strong, boy king in the Bible. I got it, Eugene Josiah, happy to help!

I'll have to think about the other stuff though!

Andrea said...

August 14 (My birthday!)

6lb 15oz

19 3/4" long

Shana-Lynn said...

Is it possible to see a belly shot, before we guess? ;-)

Denise said...


Perhaps - we may get a shot of this big ol' belly for you. I'll see what I can do today. :)

Shana-Lynn said...

Just don't have the baby before I can guess.;-)

Denise Travis said...

I'm going to be optimistic. Since I know you are not dilated yet and I just read this article about a lady being crampy for a good two weeks and still having to be induced, I'm voting for Aug 19th. I'll say a healthy 7 lbs 10 oz and 22" long.

If I win naming'll be pleased because I like the same names you like!

Nancy said...

I've consulted the lunar charts and astrological charts and Chinese herbs to see where the moon, stars & sun are in alignment. I've also consulted my favorite psychic who goes by the name Ma Say Tongue and we agree that it will be on 8/20 at 6:32 in the morning. He will be weighing 6 lbs. 2 oz and will be 20" long
6+2=8 and 20" equals the date.
I will name him Tate.


Janice said...

Would you really let us name your baby? I don't know if you want me to pick a name for you because I suck at naming boys. But I'd love to play your contest!

Delivery Date: Aug. 16th (don't know why)
Time: 11:30 am (my C-section time)
Weight: 6lbs 14oz (like Ava)
Height: 20.5 inches (like Cameron)

If you're going to let me name him, I would name him Carson (it was to be Ava's name if she turned out to be a boy) :-)

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Actually, August 20th isn't going to work for me. I'll be in Cleveland for a conference. Could you shoot for I don't know, say August 15th would be great. Not the 14th or the 16th, the 15th, puhleaze?

I like the name Tate but the 20th is all wrong. The 24th would also work out pretty well but the 19-23 are all wrong. Just putting in my requests!

Tate U-jean, that's the name!

Let's say, August 11th, 6 lbs. 14 oz. 2:47 pm...


Aunt Cindy who is CRAZY in love like Beyonce about her Sugar Boy Jon!

Susie PSU said...

Well, are you even dilated yet? Keep us posted. It looks like I'll have to change my delivery date for you...perhaps the 14th, my sisters birthday...

Shana-Lynn said...

Okay I have thought about it this weekend and here are my guesses.

Date: Aug. 30th (my birthday) although I bet you'll deliver before that date.
Time: hmmm...12:06AM
Weight:7lbs 11oz (sounds good and healthy)
Height: 19.25 inches

Whenever you deliver, good luck, I hope everything goes smoothly.

Nancy said...

Tate means Cheerful and 8/11 doesn't work since it's an old number day. Plus on 8/20 it is a half moon however, there is a full moon on 8/12 and the moon's gravity certainly could have an effect on Denise giving birth to her new little man.

Aunt Lorri

Stacy said...


I say, August 25 06:45 am
7 pounds 11 oz
21 inches long.

erin said...

I say August 11th. 7lbs, 2oz. 19 1/2 inches long. Good luck, friend! said...

Hey, Neecie, August 15 is Grandma's birthday, so I pick that day. I would say 8 lbs even. Length 20 1/4 inches. Name: Noah Paul. Don't know why, it just came to me. Sounds good with Jon David. Your belly is adorable, don't worry, you will lose the extra weight. Love you, Aunt Pam