Ahhh, a moment to post!
Well, for those of you who followed all the drama of this summer, here is what happened. As you may recall, a week ago on Monday (the 13th), I went into the hospital with false labor. That was incredibly discouraging - not to mention painful! The rest of the week was not great but not as bad. I kept waiting for that "different kind of pain." On Sunday around 4 pm, I started to feel the same way I did on the 13th. Around 9 pm, I talked with my girlfriend Kim who warned me that if I did not call that I was "going to have that baby at home." That made me laugh but the prospect of no epidural was enough to get me on the phone to my OB. We arrived around 10 pm and I heard the happy news that I could stay and deliver my baby! I was told to expect an early "breakfast" baby around 6 pm but things progressed quickly and I started pushing around 4 am. About 20 minutes later, I had my beautiful baby boy in my arms!
A few of you asked how big brother was adjusting to the new guy. Well, it's been a rough week for him. He has a bad cold and cough with a very drippy nose. You can imagine the fear we have over one of us catching it. So, we're trying to love on him real good and then go wash and Purell. Poor guy! In addition to the cold, he has been uncharacteristically "naughty" and really challenging. I know it's normal but it hurts our hearts to see him so off his game. At times, he wants very little to do with me and other times, I am all he needs. And, little Josiah really has not been a demanding baby (during the day, that is). So, it's not like we're all focusing on the baby all the time. We're really not. So, please pray for little Jon. His little world has been shaken.
To add to the fun, JD is now sick. We're praying hard that Josiah and I escape this nasty bug!!!
All in all, we are doing well. My mother is a saint who has been making Jon David very happy (such a love-fest), cooking and cleaning my house. I don't want her to ever leave!!
Hurry up and get well soon!!! We miss you all so much! Tyler keeps walking around the house saying "Jon Jon." Love the pics...what handsome boys!
Love ya!
KIKI and Tyler
Denise, Josiah is seriously a beautiful baby. I can't get over him!
Sorry to hear about Jon David's cold. I hope he gets over it, and his jealousy soon. I am sure he will- he is going to be a great big borther once he warms up to the idea.
Stay well, and thank you for the update!
glad you are doing so well- you and josiah STAY healthy!!!!
Sorry Jon David isn't feeling so well. Hope he makes a fast recovery and that the rest of the family stays healthy.
Your boys are just adorable.
Oh, Josiah is just adorable!
Sorry to hear Jon David isn't feeling so well or being himself. That has to be hard, even if it is normal.
Thanks for the update!!
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