Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Month of Memories... December 1st

I just concluded a 30-day Thanksgiving "challenge" on Facebook. I was really surprised and humbled that some people were actually inspired (their own words) by my little writings. So, today I stumble upon something that caught my eye and my heart. In my favorite magazine, Scrapbooks, Etc., they highlighted someone doing an entire scrapbook documenting the month of December. At first, visions of my messy kitchen, half-decorated home came to my mind. And then poured in to my overwhelmed consciousness the gifts that need to be bought (don't even mention wrapping to me today) and my desperate attempt to keep my gym attendance to at least three times a week. So, I thought, "Wow, to have that kind of time..." In my effort to just be real here, I don't have anywhere near that kind of time. You probably do not either.

So, what the heck am I doing today? Yeah, I wanna do this. Like, I really want to do this. I would love for my posts to make their way into a scrapbook but I thought updating my blog was a good first step. I may need encouragement on the way so if you are reading this and enjoy it, send me a note.

Here we go!

December 1. Day one on the Advent calendar I made with my MOPS group last year. As is unfortunately my way too often, the calendar was not ready on December 1st. It was December 5th when I got it up. How do I know the day? Was it that important to me to remember for an entire year? Um, no. Were it not for my oldest son, I'd have no clue about what happened last year.

"Mom, this year can you PLEASE start the Advent calendar on the first of December?? Last year, you did it on the 5th."

Wow, can't catch a break with this kid. Seriously, how does he remember this stuff??!!?


O Boys Mommy said...

Yeah for blogging :)

Wendy said...

sounds like something my oldest would say....