Monday, June 18, 2007

Hot Monday!

Whew - is it hot enough out there or is it just me??? ImeanREALLY!! Wow!

I loved Wendy's comments on the "other pregnant Denise's" blog about you "nosy nellies" wanting the scoop no matter how mundane. I agree - I really like reading my blog buddies posts even when they are just about the simple things.

In that vain...

Random thought 1)
Is it the move or his age that makes my son want me to hold him ALL the time? He used to be a much more independent player. Now, he gets himself so very worked up and just screams, cries and BEGS for me to hold him. Sometimes I pick him up, sometimes I bend down and love on him, sometimes I continue with what I'm doing (making dinner, etc.). Advice, Ladies?

Yesterday, JD remarked that when Jon David saw me emerge from the VERY long 90-seconds that I was using the ladies room at church, his entire face lit up like a groom finally seeing his bride or a hungry man about to eat a big ol' steak. Yes, my son LOVES me! And I him...

Random thought 2)
I watched some of Ruth Graham's funeral service on TV on Saturday. I really wanted to hear what is said of a woman who loves the Lord and loves her family and others. I heard things said at her service that made me think that I'd like to have a legacy like that one day. I don't suspect one has to have grand plans but rather to be intentional about seeking the Lord's will and looking for ways to bless Him by loving and serving others. It has given me much to think about and aspire to.

Random thought 3)
Now I recall why I don't take my prenatal vitamin first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. NOT a pretty sight! Note to self - do NOT do that again... EVER.

Lastly, Jon David has really started to understand this signing stuff. He does: more, thank you, please, eat and drink. I now need to learn more so that I can teach him as I think he really likes being able to communicate. The pictures in this post are of him doing "please" (rubbing his belly) and "more" (fingers together). Yes, he has Scooby Doo yogurt on his eyebrow but I think he's still super cute!


Andrea said...

How cute is he signing to you! I love it. And Wendy is right, I love to hear about this stuff! Even though it can be hard when our babies need us so much, I am a big fan of giving all the love and cuddles that I can! I try to remember that someday I will probably have to bribe him just to get a hello and a hug!

Shana-Lynn said...

Denise, I can't wait to see what others post about your random thought #1... I have the same problem with my daughter and we didn't move and I am not pregnant. So, I am thinking it is a stage, hopefully anyway.

There are lots of great books out there about signing with your child. Also, try the Baby Einstein video "First Signs", it is actually pretty good and my daughter loves it and signs all the time, even makes up her own.

Lastly, Jon David is so darn handsome, especially with that yogurt.

Wendy said...

See, look we all like anything from ya!! So, love that JOhn David is signing. I do a bit with Elaina, but I too need more!! I had a sheet that I copied out of a book, but lost it. THe cuddling thing.... probably a stage, but the move may have increased it. Just do what your doing. Cuddle when you can, and when you can't, tell him, "mommmy will cuddle with you in a little while"

Jamie said...

Thanks for sharing your randomness! Why is it so fun to read about other people's lives? But I love hearing about it (and writing about it)!

Are you guys all unpacked?

Jennifer said...

I love the signing! Too cute!

Devin started that hold me thing too. He played so well independently then all of a sudden one day it changed to "Hold me mommy" all the time. I really think it is an age thing, but could have to do with your move too. It has gotten better (a little) in the past few weeks but he still does it way more than we he was smaller. Sorry, no advice though, just wanted you to know you weren't alone dealing with it.

That is so cute that he lit up when you walked out of the bathroom. Doesn't that just melt your heart!

Megan said...

I love the signing! What a smart boy!!

Susie PSU said...

I say just do what you are doing with the cuddling. Sometimes give in, sometimes bend down, and sometimes, just tell him you are busy! I'm sure it is the changes in his life - and as he sees you adapting well, he will, too. You're such a good mom.