I am happy to report that many of my cleaning/organizing woes had to do with a small apartment. At least now the clutter has more space! Our bonus room has a lot of potential but it's just a staging area for all the things we don't know what to do with. I have GREAT hopes for this room and will hopefully unveil some before/after shots before the baby gets here. It would be so nice to have it at least a usable room once the new baby is here.
My blogging friend, Andrea, asked what I've been learning and reading. So, here goes. First of all, I find this an incredibly interesting topic and have thus purchased many books about it. It's like I am with parenting books. I just like to read them and try out what I want to. I don't usually get too caught up with doing things just like they say but I figure they have knowledge and I have a desire to change. So, this may not work for everyone.
I hope to use this professional organizer in the coming weeks. She is local and I am counting on her help in the bonus room and for some odd tips. Like, where do we store my beloved's grill tools? They are too big for the kitchen, we don't want them outside. Presently, they are cluttering up my baker's rack. Not good. :)
I have been reading the following:
1. "Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay that Way!" by Marcia Ramsland (http://www.organizingpro.com/). She has an online newsletter that I just signed up for. One thing she stresses starting the day fresh. I've made great progress on having the kitchen clean before we go to bed (as well as cleaning as I go) and making the bed. Yes, I am patting myself on the back. AND - I have had make-up on almost every day for the past 2 weeks. I have to with all the visitors we have! It's crazy how much more people come by now!
2. The Messies Manual by Sandra Felton (http://www.messies.com/). I learned this from her: when you are task-oriented, you look at your house as a series of unrelated tasks. So, it does not matter when you put away the dirty dishes, just that you do it. If you are goal-oriented, the goal is a neat home, so you tend to do the tasks earlier so you can enjoy your home more. Does that make sense? She also has online newsletters, etc.
I tried the Fly Lady but all the emails totally freaked me out. And she was so obsessed with a clean sink. Now, I like a clean sink too but it was a bit much for me.
I'd love to hear your tips too!
Thanks for sharing about those organizing books! I need a lot of help in that department. My parents are BIG organizers so I don't know where I from because I certainly did not inherit that part!
On a side note, I think you should package that little boy up and send him over to my house - he's so adorable!!!
Sorry it has been so long since I have posed a comment- Life has been crazy! Sounds like alot has been going on in your life also! Oh to organize.... you organize one thing and then move to the next and by the time you are done with that you need to reorganize the last. I guess this is what keeps us out of trouble and busy! And having kids and being organized- they clash!! Good luck to you! Can't wait to see the before and after pics! JD is so cute!! I know what you mean by hot, summer is definitely here!
I know that song!
I do insist on the dishes being done and having a clean kitchen before I go to bed. It is always clean, but the clutter...that is my downfall. My whole house is just full of clutter. Do I throw it away, or store it??
Hey girl. so glad to hear you're getting settled in your AWESOME new house! One of my favorite organizing books is "Confessions of an Organized Homemaker". I know it sounds like a totally 50's title but I really loved it!
Um...no on the song...are you sure you didn't make that one up? Just kidding.
The more I read about people having trouble getting organized, the more I think I truly missed my calling. I SO should be a professional organizer if I go back to work. I wish I was there to help you...I would have given you at least a 25% discount. :)
You have inspired me! You are pregnant, taking care of Jon david, unpacking, and organizing! So right now, I am taking a break from organizing our guest/office/library/recording studio/sewing room to say thanks for the inspiration :)
Yes, you NEED to be a professional organizer. You have the gift!!
Thanks for the book recommendation!
In terms of dump or keep, I learned on one of those shows that if it's something you are saving for "one day," ask yourself if you can go buy it on that one day that you decide to finally use it. So, I use that as a guideline. :)
Thanks for the great comments, Ladies!!!
I am struggling with exactly this same stuff!! For about a month, I've been doing great at keeping things tidy. Did my sis-in-law have anything to do with your desire to change, because just going to her house made me want a neater house! I've been working hard to find a home for everything and keep the clutter down (our house was sensory overload with STUFF), AND I've been keeping the kitchen always clean, and making the bed every day too!! And it DOES make me enjoy the house more...amazing! Here's what helped me: I have always been a good employee when I was working at a job, so why should I be different at my new job? When I started viewing the house as my "job," I started doing so much better. Plus, I'm learning about being a good steward, too...and that helps! YAY!
Huh, good way of looking at dump or keep. Nice tips. I just started dumping. I am getting sooo sick of the clutter. I went through my garage and donated a ton. My project this summer is the garage and storage room. I want to get it down as minimal as possible before I move next year. I hate that there are some boxes that have moved for 6 or 7 years, and never been unpacked. I figure if they are still packed I must NOT need them!!
Thanks for the book recs! I am going to check them out. Also, thanks to the other commenters for their great tips!
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