Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Life as a HOUSEwife

I've been a townhome-wife and an apartment-wife but never a housewife. And, after almost two weeks of it, I've determined that it's a lot more tiring to be a housewife! :) I love our house and am so thankful to God for providing it. But, especially when an apartment-wife, I just did not really invest in the place. Cleaning was done as a matter of course and to make things sanitary. I did not clean from a place of pride or of wanting to be a good steward of this gift. Now that I'm in a house, it's a whole different ballgame.

And, I've been reading some home/life organizing books and they stress cleaning as you go through the day. My M.O. used to be more of the put the dishes in the sink and deal with them after dinner. So, things got real cluttered real fast (especially in a small apartment). This new approach makes for a much nicer looking home but it takes a lot of time (or at least for me it does right now - maybe I'll get faster at it).

And, one of the areas to really take a hit is my blogging. I hate that I'm not blogging as much. But, I'm struggling to not overdo it (though I probably miss the mark in this regard) every day and to keep with our afternoon nap. This leaves little time for blogging. So, I am behind on reading all yours (I miss that!) and writing mine. I know you are a forgiving bunch and you realize that I am probably entering a phase where my blogging is more miss than hit.

A few updates...
1) Though I failed my first glucose test (I knew I would), I passed the boring three-hour one. Praise God!!

2) My fetal fibronectin came back today as negative (which is the desired result). They'll test me again in two weeks and then probably not again until 38 weeks.

3) Baby has been moving a bunch which is so nice and reassuring!

I know there are more but I can't think of them. Take care, All!!


Wendy said...

I am so glad to see you back in action! We will take what we can get!! Jon David is of course adorable. I agree with the whole cleaning thing. It is easier to keep up but soooo time consuming. IT is a daily struggle for me! A big one at that! I actually have been making an effort to keep my home cleaner, and have found that I have lost more things now than ever!! I don't think to look where they actually belong. No sir-ee.

Janice said...

Thanks for updating us mommy bloggers! I would not have any time blogging either if I had just moved to a new home, pregnant, AND also have a toddler! Jon David looks cute as always - and so funny with the plastic containers!

I need me some home/life organization myself...

Andrea said...

Thanks for the update- I miss you! But I totally understand that you have your hands full right now. What books have you been reading? I could use a few tips, too!

Jon David is a doll, as usual. How does he like the new house?

Jennifer said...

Jon David is adorable as always.

I can imagine how busy you must be, I totally agree with trying to keep the house clean/organized. I think it is always a struggle to keep up.

Great news from your tests!!

Denise Travis said...

Jon David and I share a past mom said I loved to put the laundry basket on my head too!

Megan said...

Well, at least Jon is willing to give you a hand with the organization! :)

Susie PSU said...

Yeah, I started reading a book called "Chasing God and the Kids Too", and all it pretty much did was tell my to clean my house. Needless to say, I didn't read much of THAT book! It's all I can do to get some quiet time in, and if I was a Nazi about cleaning the house, I couldn't even manage that! I'll clean it when the kids are 18. Then, it will STAY clean.