Monday, April 2, 2007

A Great Day for a Ball Game!

Yeah! Baseball season is here!!! What a long winter! :) We are huge baseball fans; we especially love the Houston Astros.

Saturday was such a pretty day that we caught our Florida State Seminoles playing Duke. It was a glorious spring day and a fun family day trip. Unfortunately, the 'Noles lost which is surprising since they are one of the best in the nation. No worries for Jon. He has since learned to say in the sweetest, most excited voice, "Yeeeaaaaaaaaaahhh!" He cheered the whole time - for both teams. When you're that little and cute, I guess you can do that and no one thinks anything of it.

I thought winter coats were a drag but I have a new drag - sunscreen. Ugh! I'm so scared to get it in his eyes since he's moving the entire time I'm trying to apply it. Then, I'll have a huge problem on my hands as he'll start to wisely fight me more. And what it does to my boy's hair. Not good! But, it made for some funny pictures and made his wavy curls show even more. Here is the proof...

BTW - any advice on putting sunscreen on wiggly toddlers?


Janice said...

Denise, I know what you mean about wiggly babies. I have a hard time putting anything on both Cameron and Ava, whether it's sunscreen or diapers. I try to do my best rendition of the "Catch That Train" song by Dan Zanes (you can see him on the Disney Channel. But sometimes that doesn't work either. I'm stumped on this one. I need some advice, too! :-)

I am really lovin' the hair, though. And what a handsome picture of Jon David and his daddy!

Nancy said...

Jon's hair is giving Donald
Trump a run for his money

Wendy said...

So, when I put suncreen on my wiggly kiddos, I rub it almost all the way into my hands, and then I hold them in between my legs, and just rub their entire face in with my hands. That way there is not a ton on there, and when I am just "boondoggling" them they close their eyes because I am all over their face and not doing it all careful. When I try to carefully rub it in, they ALWAYS get it in thier eyes without fail. So try swiping the entire face in one blow!! Allright- naked poopy girl on the loose. Must go!! GReat pics!

Susie PSU said...

My only advice - put it on OFTEN!! Mine got so used to having it put on, it wasn't a big deal, and they'd even bring it to me if they wanted to go out to play. No advice about the eyes, though. That one is tougher...

Wendy said...

Denise- okay- so I can't remeber if I already commented. It's that mommy brain in overload. :) So don't post both if I did. Anyways, love his sunscreen greased back hair, and the pic of your two guys. Very cute. So , so handsome!! As for the sunscreen, I just rub it in my hands and smear it all over their entire face!!

Megan said...

He looks totally pooped after the game!! Sweet little man!

Love the hairdo...the heck with those expensive products to manage my curls! :)