Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Little Casanova

Jon David enjoyed sweet reunions with his lady friends last week. He spent most of his time with his very first friend, Jordan. They were both very happy to see each other and there was lots of PDA (public displays of affection). The hugs and the kisses were plentiful! Can you blame him? Look at that sweet face!
Yes, Jordan - you are busted! I see you kissing my boy!
After spending so much time being a guy and hanging out with Tyler, Jon David surprised me by being able to play so nicely with Jordan's toys. He took to her pink frying pan as if it were the coolest truck he'd ever seen. He was impressed with her neat car and enjoyed making his car sounds ("vrooom vroom") and hopping in for a ride.

Next, we spent an afternoon with Eleanor who wasted no time in wooing Jon David. See her below whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

"Hey, Jon David! I think you are cute!"

Yes, it was a good week and great fun to spend with two of our favorite little girls! We miss them already!

Here are some other photos of my boy being really funny and cute. Notice his 'do on the last one. Talk about static cling! It's kind of hard to see but it made me laugh.


Janice said...

What a little Ladies Man Jon David is! With that handsome little face, who could resist him? If this is what the future holds, then all the girls are going to come a-knockin'!!!

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness, these are too cute. I LOVE the first one. Your caption is perfect, Jordan is looking at you like "yep you busted me". They are just so cute when they are hugging on their little friends at this age. It melts my heart!

Wendy said...

Totally busted him. Look at the ladies jumpin in line. Way to go Jon David. Love the static cling as well. I think he has more hair than my poor girl. She may be bald forever.

Andrea said...

What a little ladies man! I love your captions, I was cracking up!