Wednesday, January 23, 2008

10-point deduction

As the theme from the Olympics played on, Jon David received his medal from Little Gym. Imagine my pride as I watched him climb up on the mat, accept his award and quickly run away before I could get a good picture. He'll still be a "Beast" for next semester but this was a day of pomp and circumstance and celebration.

Well, not really.

In fact, I made a bad mommy decision by even going. We've been battling something (a virus?) since Saturday but I saw some signs of improvement. He'd been stuck in the house for days and there was only a little bit of a clear runny nose and no coughing. So, off we go.

Once he got moving and running, he started to hack every so often. I'm not a fan of sick kids being out in public like this since my child seems to catch things so quickly. His coughing was not constant but it was definitely noticeable. We should have stayed home.

I took 10 good mommy points out of the jar today. Maybe I can get some back tomorrow. We're not going anywhere!


MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Considering your jar was overflowing, I think you'll never miss the 10 point deduction. I wish I could have been there to cheer our boy on to victory!


Aunt Deeeeees who's going to the circus with Mr. Walking Backwards Guy aka Jon Jon VERY soon! Can't wait and I'm not even joking!

Janice said...

We've all been there. It's hard when the kids are cooped up indoors during the winter months. Don't sell yourself short. You are one of the most wonderful moms I've met in the blogging world!

Shana-Lynn said...

Now that is something I wouldn't have wanted to miss either. I say you can put 5 points back in. Hehe...

Kim said...

Jon Jon,
Hope you feel better soon!!!
